January 13, 2011

UCSF Neurosciences Building Team Celebrates Major Milestone-Topping Out

On January 12, 2011, Edgemoor/McCarthy Cook Partners, Clark Construction and the Project Team gathered to celebrate the Neurosciences Building’s Topping-Out.

On January 12, 2011, Edgemoor/McCarthy Cook Partners, Clark Construction and the Project Team gathered to celebrate the Neurosciences Building’s Topping-Out, which marks the successful completion of a building’s structure as the final concrete is poured. The concrete was poured at the rate of one floor slab per month, consistent with the overall 24-month schedule. Representatives from the UCSF user groups that will occupy the building, UCSF Real Estate Services, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, and several other subcontractors and subconsultants were present at the event. Mike Ricker, Vice President of Clark Construction, spoke briefly about the impressive construction progress in the nine months since the building broke ground. Dr. Hauser, Chair of the Neurology Department, discussed the types of diseases that UCSF researchers will be studying in the building, how impressed he and the faculty are with the building’s progress, and how excited UCSF scientists will be to move into their new facility next year. The event was highlighted by presentations and awards to subcontractors to recognize the excellent performance on the job to date. The building is on-schedule for completion in April of 2012.

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